Thursday, January 24, 2008


I'm done with my homework... kinda hah :)

i had a great day today actually. It was relaxing and just a chill day.

Rayven came over in the morning and she borrowed my skirt. then i ate a muffin :), we left to school and my day was starting out ok. Then right before i get out of the car, i make sure my strap of my backpack wasnt in rayvens car door when she shut it.. & it wasn't so I get out of the car. i shut the door and my door hits me really hard in the knee. i grasp my knee and start to like craddle my knee, Rayven tells me "Suck it up, and be a man." ( i wanted to punch her hahah.) anyways so im limping into the school cause i was in pain. then like during 1st i healed haha.

My first was just a breeze, second too, 3rd was too haha. all my classes where just sooo easy today. i mean seriously all we did in all those classes was sit and mingle :)

4th i got my work done,(once in a life time) i mean it was peaceful. the library was actually quite... haha weird. Oh and jimmy gave me a bunch of condoms today! ehs CONDON MAN!!! :)

well then i went to my aunties house and chilled, my brother picked me up and now im here, relaaxed and in a great mood!

I was talking on the phone with Ariel, We haven't done that in a while. i miss it.

and i was texting. Also my dad gave me 20 bucks today, it was nice.... and ive just had a wonderful day

i know im boring. but have a good night :)

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