Saturday, February 16, 2008


change for me, very rapidly. like one seconded i was happy, calm, then angry, pissed off. i dont know. i wass just by polar today..

Asian celebration was really fun, i love bondding with my team members. But there is like a ex-dancer that bugs the fuck out of me. she just talks to much shit. and she was there and she always glared at me. and i hope she reads this cause i just want to let her know that i really dont give a shit about her.

Anyways, Rachel Sov
you are a wonderful person, and i love you dearly, i really dont know what i would do without you. i can trust you with most everything, and i know that you will always be there for me. I'm so glad you joined our team :) fan dance wouldnt be as fun without you! when you go to college, ima miss you hella! haha so you better come back and visit. OFTEN! and by then you will be able to sleep over haha, So thats going to be wonderful. I know you had a rough day today, but you know that no matter what i have you back. i love you dearly :)

ksjghuahwiughjskdfn i love everyone <333<333<333<33<33<3333<33

i love you , and you

haha good bye

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