Monday, January 21, 2008


happy birthday Martin Luther King :)

i final realize how much i want a boyfriend. But at the same time i really don't. I'm scared to get hurt, I'm scared to lose people that i don't want to lose. But at the same time i want someone to like a lot, someone to cuddle with, call at night. blah.

every time i see a cute couple i get jealous. And today Rayven and Kyle played a prank on me and said they pretended like they were dating, at first i was like cool, then i realized that I'm the only one that hasn't had a boyfriend or girlfriend. Even jimmy has had a girlfriend. I'm so lame.
I dont really care If they have a boyfriend and i don't, i just want one really bad. but whatever ha..

It sucks cause there is no guy out there that i like at this point. i hope someone comes along and i know right that second that, thats him :). but hoping isn't reality is it. :/

anywayss, today was another pointless day, but it wasn't a bad one. i actually in a good mood. just have to do alot of homework though. I'm hoping i have a good week. that will make me feel alot better. :)

sweet man, i have finals this week. but then new classes! yay!

blah im listening to sad music.. wtf haha. that doesnt bring my mood up you kno what i mean!

today was sunny! but freezing.

good byeee.

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